20 Apr Superior Sports School of Rio Maior organizes the Training Action – 6th, 12th and 20th of May
On the 6th, 12th and 20th of May, the Superior Sports School of Rio Maior organizes the Training Action “Treino da Força”.
This training has the general objectives of providing trainees with skills in approaching strength training, aimed at sports performance, based on movements derived from Olympic lifts, strength training based on speed and the periodization of strength training in individual modalities. and collective.
Duration and Crediting:
1.2 UC for renewal of Professional Title of Trainer (TPTD) and Professional Title of Physical Exercise Technician and Technical Director (TPTEF/DT), by IPDJ;
ACD Modality – Short-Term Action, to be certified under Order No. 5741/2015, of May 29.
Additional information: Maria João Solla (Continuous Training Office) gfc@esdrm.ipsantarem.pt