Rute Alexandra Antunes Pereira de Oliveira Camilo

Rute Alexandra Antunes Pereira de Oliveira Camilo

Institution: Universidade Europeia

Community: GERON

Research: Collaborator, Student/Fellowship

Rute Alexandra Camilo was born on 6th February 1975 and has a degree in Human Resources Management and Strategic Organisation, a master’s degree in Human Resources Management
and is a PhD student in Psychology.
Rute Alexandra Camilo has developed her professional career in Human Resources area at the Ministry of National Defence, having spent some time in various ministerial offices on
government appointments. Academically, Rute Alexandra Camilo is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Universidade Europeia and is also the author of content for the Social Psychology course, with various training programmes in the fields of mental health and leadership. She is an internationally certified Personal and Professional Coach. Her training background also includes the National Defence Auditors Course and the Specialized Training Course in Gender Equality in National Defence. Rute is also part of the team of collaborators at the Centre for Research in Sport, Health and Human Development (CIDESD). Her professional recognition includes six public commendations and four 3rd class National Defence Medal awards.



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