Rui Marcelino Maciel Oliveira
Institution: ISMAI
Research: Integrated
Rui Marcelino is Assistant Professor at ISMAI since 2016. At FADEUP he graduated in 2004 (Sport and Physical Education), MSc in 2007 (High level Sport Training) and PhD in 2010 (Sport Sciences). Rui hold a Pos-Doc at UTAD (from 2013 to 2016), financed by FCT (Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology), to study the long-term performance in football during players’ development stages, with particular emphasis in the collective performance behaviour. In 2015 he received the “2014 Young Researcher of the Year” awarded by UTAD in the light of their work at CIDESD.
Rui academic research field is linked to sports performance analysis, with a special focus on collective indicators. Lately, he has been doing a gradual immersion in machine learning techniques, in order to perform their sports data analysis. Occasionally, Rui provides consulting services to sport specific industry.