Rafael José Pimentel Lopes

Rafael José Pimentel Lopes

Institution: UBI


Research: Collaborator, Student/Fellowship

Rafael Lopes completed his Bachelor’s degree in Sports Science at the University of Beira Interior in 2018, followed by a Master’s degree in Teaching Physical Education in Basic and Secondary Schools in 2020, and another Master’s degree in Sports Science in 2022 from the same institution.

Currently, Rafael is a PhD student at the University of Beira Interior under the supervision of Professor Bruno Travassos. His doctoral research, supported by a PhD scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, focuses on the design of a dedicated dashboard for the analysis and development of women’s football. The project integrates key performance indicators (KPIs) with machine learning and artificial intelligence models to enhance game quality and player development. His work employs Python programming for data preparation and analysis and data visualization software’s, aiming to contribute to the advancement of women’s football and promote gender equality in sports.

Email: rafael.lopes@ubi.pt

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-4982-9365

Research Gate:

Linkdin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafael-lopes-56639b13a/

Ciência ID: DA15-1C33-462D