Patrícia Maria Silva Gomes

Patrícia Maria Silva Gomes

Institution: ISMAI


Research: Integrated

Patrícia Gomes is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maia (UMAIA) with 10+ years in teaching and research at university level. She was teacher and supervisor of Physical Education students-teachers, at the Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto (FADEUP) and University of Beira Interior (UBI), developing some investigations in schools with her students. She teaches undergraduate and master courses at the UMAIA and her research at the CIDESD. She has a PhD in Sports Sciences with a specialization in Physical Education Teacher Education from the FADEUP, with FTC financing and mobility at the University of Montréal (Quebec, Canada) and Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM,Spain).

The main teaching and research interests revolve around Physical Education (PE) Teacher Education, Professional Development, Professional Identity and learning issues within School Physical Education. She has been involved in research projects in sports, social and educational fields at the UMAIA.


Orcid: 0000-0003-3583-1026

Research Gate:


Ciência ID: 0F11-3CA8-D80C