Nuno Miguel Pintassilgo da Silva Fonseca
Institution: UBI
Community: STRONG
Research: Collaborator, Student/Fellowship
Nuno Fonseca holds a BSc and an MSc in Sport Sciences from the University of Beira Interior (UBI). Currently, as a PhD student and a research fellow from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-UNITA), he coordinates the practical intervention of the TRAIN4BRAIN program, implemented in the Department of Sports Sciences at UBI, under the supervision of Professors Mário Marques, Mikel Izquierdo, and Dulce Esteves. The interest in the Exercise and Health field has emerged in the last two years, specifically with the growing number of people living with dementia. His PhD thesis tries to understand which dose of resistance training volume seems more efficient in treating and improving cognitive function in individuals with cognitive dysfunction. In this way, Nuno Fonseca aims to improve the prescription of resistance training in cognitively impaired individuals and enhance their functional capacity and well-being.