João António Martins Ribeiro
Institution: ISMAI
Community: STRONG
Research: Integrated
João Ribeiro owns a BSc (2006) in Sport and Physical Education, a MSc (2010) in High Performance Training and a PhD (2016) in Sports Sciences, all from the Faculty of Sport of University of Porto. João is lecturing since 2016 at University Institute of Maia (ISMAI) and he is also working as exercise physiologist (since 2015) in the Department of Performance Optimization at Sporting Clube de Braga. He has also worked as swimming coach for several years in some clubs competing at national level.
João has recently become member of the scientific committee of the Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development (CIDESD). His main research interests focus on evaluating, improving and monitoring the physiological and biomechanical performance determinants of cyclic and, most recently, team sports. He has published more than 20 papers (peer-reviewed journals) on the topic and he has worked as invited reviewer of several impact factor journals.