Henrique Marques Pereira

Henrique Marques Pereira

Institution: UBI

Community: STRONG

Research: Integrated

Henrique Pereira is a Clinical Psychologist, a specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology and Sexology by the Portuguese Board of Psychologists, and an Associate Professor with Habilitation of Clinical Psychology, Research Methods, and Human Sexuality at the University of Beira Interior – UBI, Covilhã (Portugal), Department of Psychology and Education, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. He holds a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology, and a Master’s degree in Health Psychology. He develops work and research in the fields of Psychology, Sexuality, Health, Human Development and Aging.

Email: hpereira@ubi.pt

Orcid: 0000-0001-9448-682X

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Henrique_Pereira10


Ciência ID: 4011-59E2-6744