Gonçalo Soares de Sousa Torres

Gonçalo Soares de Sousa Torres


Community: STRONG

Research: Collaborator, Student/Fellowship

Gonçalo Torres did his Bsc in Physical Education and  Msc in High Performance training at Universidade da Maia (UMAIA) , having received two Foundation for Cience and Technology (FCT) Grants in the process. He is currently a member of Research Center in Sports Sciences , Health Sciences and Human Development (CIDESD) and Sports Analytics Lab (SAL). His research interests are mainly in Cancer research, and Aquatic Sports as he was First Division WaterPolo Player and Youth Coach. At the moment he is a Youth Swimming Coach, exercise phyisiologist in a clinic and a investigator in a project that aims to explore the effect of a football training program in man with Prostate Cancer, aswell as researching the validity and reliability of subjective tools to measure internal load in swimmers, not only to monitor but to prescribe exercise.

Email: gonca.torres@gmail.com

Orcid: 0009-0003-5629-3404

Research Gate:


Ciência ID: 9D1D-92A8-7F27