Frederico Teles Vieira Zarazaga Raposo
Institution: Universidade Europeia
Community: GERON
Research: Collaborator
Assistant professor at the European University, lecturer in higher education for 20 years, and for almost 30 working in the exercise and health sector, he is also a trainer, author and co-author of several books. Founding Member and Member of the Board of the Associação Portuguesa de Fisiologistas do Exercício. Exercise Physiologist, specialized in personal training, clinical exercise and strength and conditioning. PhD in Physical Education and Sport, Specialization in Physical Activity and Health (ULHT), having carried out his final dissertation with the theme “Motivation and Motivational Practices of Professionals Promoting Physical Activity: An Approach Based on the Theory of Self-Determination”. Master in Exercise and Health (FMH-UL), Postgraduate in Cardiac Rehabilitation (FMH-UL) and Degree in Sports Sciences (FMH-UL). Researcher in the field of human motivation, non-linear pedagogies and exercise physiology. Former Rugby player, coach and strength and conditioning trainer.