Daniel Almeida Marinho
Institution: UBI
Community: STRONG
Research: Integrated
Daniel Almeida Marinho is Associate Professor at UBI since 2008. Graduated from UP in Sport and Physical Education in 2004; PhD in Sport Sciences at UTAD, in 2009; Habilitation in Sport Sciences from UBI (2013). President of the Department of Sport Sciences in UBI (2009-2015); Vice-Director of CIDESD (2013-…); Director of 2nd Cycle studies in Physical Education in UBI (2009-2013); Director of the PhD Sport Sciences course (2013-…).
He has advised 20 Graduate theses, 20 MD theses and 10 PhD theses, and has produced over 150 academic titles: 10 books and book chapters; 60 articles published in SCI Journals; 70 articles in Peer-reviewed Indexed International Journals; and 10 articles in Peer-reviewed Indexed National Journals. He has participated in the organization of over 15 national and international Scientific Meetings, and has partaken in several PhD and MD juries.
He collaborates with the Portuguese Swimming Federation since 2013, responsible for the Pedagogic Courses of the Portuguese coaches and coordinator of the Evaluation and Control Training Centre.