António Leopoldo Lopes Ferraz
Institution: UBI
Research: Collaborator
António Ferraz did his BSc in Sports Science and Physical Education at the University of Coimbra (2006), two post-graduates in Exercise Physiology at West Hungarian University (2013), and in “Outstanding Physical Education Lessons” at Birmingham University (2016). In 2015 he did his master’s degree in Leading Innovation and Change in Organizations at St. John University. Since 2007 he has been a professor at the Jean Piaget University of Angola, where between 2010-2018, he was the coordinator and founder of the Sports Research and Training Center.
Currently, he is a PhD. student at the University of Beira Interior under the supervision of Professor Bruno Travassos with the project – Match and Training Loads of Elite Rink-Hokey Players – supported with a PhD. scholarship (2021) by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. His research interests include exercise physiology; training, and competition load monitoring in elite rink hockey athletes.