Ana Catarina Miranda Sousa
Institution: ISMAI
Community: STRONG
Research: Integrated
Ana Sousa did her BSc in Sport and Physical Education (2006), MSc in High Performance Training (2010) and PhD (2015) in Sport Sciences, in the Faculty of Sport in Porto University (FADEUP, Portugal). She also has a Specialization in Sport Rehabilitation Medicine (2015) from the Faculty of Medicine from Porto University (FMUP, Portugal). She is currently a Post-Doc Fellow in the Research Centre in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development (CIDESD, Portugal) where she is studying the combined effect of exercise in hypoxia and nitrate supplementation on the performance of both athletes and type 2 diabetes patients. Parallel to research related activities, she is currently an Invited Assisted Lecture in the University Institute of Maia (ISMAI, Portugal). She is a member of the European College of Sports Science Reviewing Panel, having received a prominent mention as a young researcher recognized by this institution in 2015.