| Renato Machado |


Institution: IPSanatarém
Community: ELITE
Research: Collaborator/PhD Student


Renato da Costa Machado is an Invited Assistant Professor at Sport Science School of Rio Maior– Polytechnic of Santarém (ESDRM|IPSantarém) and a collaborator member of the Research Center in Sport, Health and Human Development (CIDESD), with his academic/research field linked to biomechanics and resistance training. He holds a BSc and a MSc degree in Sport, Fitness
and Health, and in Physical Activity and Health, respectively, at Sport Science School of Rio Maior – Polytechnic of Santarém (ESDRM|IPSantarém), and is ,currently, a PhD student in Sports Science at the University of Beira Interior (UBI). Additionally, he also teaches at Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), and co-owns a brand/company named “Relentless Hard Workers” (RHW), which goal is to create/innovate and produce gym equipment.

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-3405-9053

Ciência ID: 301E-801A-7AD5