Project “M&M – Maiores em Movimento – Program to Combat Fragility” elaborated by CIDESD Researchers receive award BPI Fundação “la Caixa” from was

Project “M&M – Maiores em Movimento – Program to Combat Fragility” elaborated by CIDESD Researchers receive award BPI Fundação “la Caixa” from was

The project “M&M – Maiores em Movimento – Program to Combat Fragility” was awarded by BPI Fundação “la Caixa”, being an initiative between UBI and Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Fundão.
The researchers from Cidesd – Center for Research in Sport, Health and Human Development, Mário Cardoso Marques, Henrique Pereira Neiva and Daniel Almeida Marinho carry out the scientific coordination of this project, with the participation of the doctoral student in Sport Sciences Diogo Marques,
The main objective of the “M&M – Maiores em Movimento” project is to prevent or reverse the frailty syndrome in users residing in Residential Structures for the Elderly and Day Centers in the SCMF universe, through the implementation of physical exercise programs designed in accordance with the needs of each participant.