| Paulo Alexandre Soares Moreira |

paulo moreira
Institution: UTAD
Community: HEART
Research: Integrated
Paulo Moreira has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, (2005, University of Minho) and Habilitation in Personality Psychology (2023, University of Aveiro). Currently, he is Associate Professor with Habilitation at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD).
His research interests include integrative approaches to the behavioral system (e.g. psychobiological model of personality). He has been developing research on the interaction between emotion and cognition, and how it underlies the expression of different psychosocial functioning (from maladaptive to positive and optimal indicators). Specifically, he has been developing research aimed at better understanding the psychobiological underpinnings of positive functioning, such as subjective well-being, virtues, values, or engagement (from engagement with school to engagement with sustainable development).
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5454-7971
Ciência ID: CD12-A160-AB66