| Maria Helena Gonçalves Gil |

maria gil
Institution: UBI
Community: HEART
Research: Collaborator
Maria Helena Gil holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Sports Sciences, a Master’s Degree in Teaching Physical Education and is currently attending a PhD in Sports Science at the University of Beira Interior. In 2015 it was meritally recognized for the school achievement of the previous school year. In addition to university formation, she holds an athletics and swimming coaching license (level I) and an aqua-gym instructor trainner.
Scientifically, she participate actively in national and international congresses with communications, mainly oral. Her research focuses mainly on the study of pre-training / competition warm-up of general sport, also collaborating on parallel studies investigating the benefits of aquatic activities for health and the effects of concurrent training in sports performance. This research has been supported by a research grant funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). For curricular enrichment, recently attended an A3ES formation, which may result in her integration as a member of the CAE.