| Maria Claudia Brandão Pinheiro |


Institution: UMaia
Community: HEART
Research: Collaborator


Maria Claudia Pinheiro is currently working at the Physical Education and Sports Sciences Department of the University Institute of Maia. She teaches sociology of physical activity and sport, ethics and gymnastics at ISMAI.  She has a PhD in Sociology (Sociology of Sport) and a Master degree in the Sociology of Sport, both from the University of Leicester [England]. She has several scientific papers published in international journals. Her main areas of interest are: pain and injury in sport from a sociological perspective, abuses in sport, abuses in women’s artistic gymnastics, development of social and psychological skills in sport.

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8314-5528

Ciência ID:  D418-DAD5-53A0