| João Pedro Costa Oliveira |

João oliveira
Institution: UBI
Community: ELITE
Research: Collaborator/PhD Student
João Pedro Costa Oliveira completed his Bachelor’s degree in Sports from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança in 2022 and is currently a Ph.D. student in Sports Sciences at the University of Beira Interior. His research interests include swimming performance, race analysis, biomechanics, injury prevention, and the use of technology in sports training. João has authored several articles in peer-reviewed journals and has presented his work at various scientific conferences. He is engaged in research projects funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and holds a research fellowship at the Centre for Research in Sports, Health, and Human Development (CIDESD).
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7252-0599
Ciência ID: 2311-CF0E-9FF9