| Francisco Ferreira |


Institution: UMaia
Community: ELITE
Research: Collaborator


Francisco José Soeiro Estima Ferreira joined the PhD program in Sports Sciences in 2023, at the University of Maia (UMAIA). He completed his Master’s Degree in Teaching Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Education in 2022 and his Degree in Physical Education in 2020, with a specialization in Health, also from UMAIA. He worked as a Primary School Teacher in schools in Guimarães and is currently the Technical Director of Physical Exercise at UNICARE – Clinical Medicine. During his scientific career, he developed an interest in Sports Sciences and Health Sciences, and intends to participate in studies on topics such as Physical Activity, Motor Development, Physical Fitness, Epidemiology and Public Health. Recently, he has been focusing his research interests on 24-hour human movement behaviors and the associations between physical activity, sedentary behaviors and sleep habits, as indicators of the interaction (mediation and moderation) between mental health and cardiovascular health in early childhood, children, adolescents and young adults. He has particular interests in Quantitative Research Methods, Statistics Applied to Sports Sciences and Health Sciences, Multivariate Statistical Models and Complex Systems Analysis.

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-5052-9710

Ciência ID:  7E19-2FAA-4CCB