| Filipe Fernandes Rodrigues |

filipe rodrigues
Institution: IPL
Community: HEART
Research: Integrated
Filipe Rodrigues, Ph.D., is a professor, researcher, author, and consultant. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and seven books and has received over ten awards in the field of sports science and social science. Filipe currently holds the position of Adjunct Professor in the fields of exercise testing and prescription for adults and the elderly, as well as expertise in behavior change methods related to health behaviors at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Filipe is an active researcher with a primary focus on motivational and cognitive theories as they relate to health behaviors. His research interests also extend to areas such as health psychology, and public health interventions. Filipe is also a scientific consultant in the working labor area, where he specializes in creating strategies to promote physical and mental health for both employees and employers.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1327-8872
Ciência ID: 9B18-7FE1-74AF