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dozen conferences72 oral communications129 posters15 countries represented, six workshops, a research and development fair, a pre-symposium and 336 accredited people. These are the numbers of the 5th edition of the International Congress of CIDESD, held from January 31 to February 2, at the Instituto Universitário da Maia (ISMAI).

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The congress was entitled Exercise and Health, Sports and Human Development and occurred on November 11 and 12. The program was divided by the current three research communities that characterize CIDESD – GERON, CREATIVELAB and STRONG. There was also a special topic dedicated to the project NanoStima. There were more than 350 participants from Portugal, Spain, Brazil, England, Belgium, Australia and Chile, which presenting 190 communications.

Going through the areas of exercise and health, training and human development, the thread common to all oral presentations and workshops presented in the program was its applicability and relevance to real life. This connection with the community was also reinforced by the discussion around the results obtained in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as the projection of the preparatory work for the next participation, addressed by the President of the Olympic Committee of Portugal, José Manuel Constantino, and the President of the Paralympic Committee of Portugal, Humberto Santos.

In addition to the body of experts invited, it was evident the presence of several other early-stage researchers and experts, who were able to discuss their research in the spaces reserved for the different types of communications. Among the young researchers it was possible to count on the presence of several master’s and doctoral students, both national and international.

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The congress took place the 14th and 15th of November and aimed to establish an environment of confluence between academics, coaches and exercise experts, promoting the discussion on a more proficient support to exercise prescription and sports performance interventions.

The agenda comprised a variety of formats, including keynotes, workshops, roundtables, oral and poster presentations and has covered several topics that underlie the three main research areas of CIDESD.

There were more than 300 participants and more than 90 poster and oral communications, allowing relevant scientific interactions between all participants.

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The II International Sports Performance Symposium place the 8th and 9th of October at University of Beira Interior (UBI).

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The I International Symposium of Sports Performance place the 4th and 5th of July at University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD).

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