07 Sep |
Speaker of International Congress of CIDESD 202
Doctor Anne May
Doctor Anne May will be a speaker at a session at the International Congress of CIDESD | Centre for Research in Sport, Health and Human Development 2023.
Dr Anne is a professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands and Director of the Department of Epidemiology and Global Health at the Julius Center.
Her research focuses on the effect of exercise on cancer patients, the mediators of its effect and also on methodological aspects related to exercise-oncology research.
Pr. Dr Anne currently holds a VENI grant from ZonMw (personal grant for outstanding researchers) entitled ‘New research project and methodology to assess the effects of physical exercise in cancer patients’. In addition, she is also part of a project on physical activity, nutrition, alcohol, smoking, eating out and obesity (EPIC-PANACEA).
Congress website
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