02 Jun CIDESD researchers nominated to join the Advisory Committee of the Portuguese Olympic Committee
Some researchers from CIDESD – Center for Research in Sport, Health and Human Development, Daniel Marinho, Eduarda Coelho and Tiago Barbosa, are part of the Consultative Commission for Science and Development of the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP) for the 2022-2025 term, this collaboration intends to increase the involvement of Science in the improvement and promotion of sport in Portugal. In addition, it is intended to enhance knowledge and transfer knowledge to Olympic education, sports-motor training, sports preparation and competitive participation.
According to the Director of CIDESD, Daniel Marinho, this nomination is “recognition of the work that has been carried out by our research team, but it should also be seen as a huge responsibility as representative of CIDESD in this Commission”. the COP has been an important vehicle in promoting scientific activity and the application of that knowledge in the area of Sport Sciences, so the Science and Development Commission can help to enhance this objective and make the connection between theory and practice become more and more effective”.
The swearing-in ceremony of the various Commissions took place on the 17th of May, with a total of 72 members, including the Director of Cidesd – Research Center for Sports, Health and Human Development.