| CIDESD Junior |


CIDESD Junior are annual seminars where young researchers present their postgraduate theses and share the activities in course. Currently, there are three doctoral programs allocated to the R&D unit at the University of Beira Interior, University of Maia and University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.

During CIDESD Junior these PhD students can be together and share experiences taking advantage of the consortium format. In 2022, the event also celebrated the 15th CIDESD anniversary with three main seminars at these universities, included an international keynote speaker, a PhD Junior Researcher and oral communications from PhD students. In January 2024, CIDESD Junior was upscaled to a Research Retreat in the “City of Sport” (Rio Maior), which will be repeated in 2025. Besides the students’ presentations, the event consisted of keynote presentations focused on Ethics and Integrity in Science and had an important social component to facilitate interaction and integration among fellow researchers from different universities.

CIDESD granted students report the conclusions of their activities.

António Sousa, Research Fellow NanoSTIMA

«Under tutor of Phd Bruno Travassos, our team work has been developed together with several sporting modalities (football, basketball, among others), in which we intervene with the purpose of evaluating the muscular strength so that we can define the training load more effectively in order to minimize the risk of injuries. As a tool to help our proposed goal, we are still monitoring a professional football team to quantify the internal game and training load using FirstBeat. In parallel with this investigation, we also intend to verify the reliability and validity of the Smart Groin Trainer dynamometer by comparing results with the Globus Meter.»

Carla Correia de Sá, Research Fellow NanoSTIMA

Diogo Coutinho, FCT Granted Student

«My main focus is to study how different environmental information based on the manipulation of tasks constraints, such as pitch reference lines, players number or game rules, modifies the players physical, technical and tactical behavior during football small-sided games. In addition, I am also studying how mental fatigue induced by ecological tasks modified players perforamnce during football game based tasks.»

Eduardo Teixeira, Research Fellow NanoSTIMA

Henrique Pereira Neiva, Post-Doc Research Fellow NanoSTIMA

«The study of the effects of water-aerobics in a real life context on health indicators and physical fitness in adults and their habbits on monitoring aquatic exercitation. We are trying to understand long-term physiological and metabolic changes of aquatic exercitation, and their causes, to provide useful feedbacks for wearables design and development. Moreover, several swimming pools of the interior region of Portugal and their users are being investigated to understand either their motivations for aquatic practices or habbits on using wearables to monitor their aquatic activities.»

Isabel Machado, FCT Granted Student

Jorge Arede, FCT Granted Student

«Effects of training programs to improve power, body stabilization, neuromuscular control, using eccentric-overload training and velocity based-training in high-intensity actions in sport talents. Analysis of effects of maturational status and previous sport experiences in high-intensity actions performance.»

Juliana Exel, Post-Doc Research Fellow NanoSTIMA

Mónica Matos, Research Fellow NanoSTIMA

«This research focuses on the effect of exercise and physical activity on risk of diabetic foot in people with type 2 diabetes participating in a community program. Patients with diabetes mellitus develop a variety of foot problems and if untreated can cause serious complications, being the diabetic foot one of the most common cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputation. Therefore, the aim is to analyze the impact of exercise on problems associated with this foot condition.»

Nuno Mateus, Research Fellow NanoSTIMA 

Soraia Ferreira, Research Fellow NanoSTIMA