| Christian Gomes Ramos |

Christian ramos
Institution: Universidade Europeia
Community: ELITE
Research: Collaborator
Christian G. Ramos earned the PhD in Biotechnology (Biosciences – Molecular Microbiology) in 2011 from IST/UL. Since 2002 he has been involved in more than 10 international projects, leading to 30 international peer-reviewed publications (15 Q1 articles) and a h-index of 14.
He did his first (2012-2014) at IBB/IST, on Microbial Molecular Genetics, also working as invited assistant professor of Genetics, moving to BioISI/FCUL for his 2nd post-doc (2015-2017) working on Molecular Cell Biology (immunology) and invited assistant professor of Molecular Biology. In 2017 he took a senior researcher position at IMM/FMUL to work on Cellular and Molecular NeuroBiology (Gaucher Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Rett Syndrome). During this period, he also held a invited researcher position (at the Weizmann Institute, in Rehovot, Israel).
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0970-7750
Ciência ID: CE1C-F022-56A9