| Catarina Isabel Neto Gavião Abrantes |

catarina abrantes
Institution: UTAD
Community: HEART
Research: Integrated
Catarina Isabel Neto Gavião Abrantes finished her Ph.D. in 2008 in Sport Sciences at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal). She has a M.Sc. in Sports Science at Faculty of Sport at University of Porto (2002).
Currently holds a position of Auxiliary Professor at the UTAD, for teaching and researching Exercise Physiology and Exercise Testing and Prescription in bachelor and master courses. She his a member of the Research Center for Sports, Health and Human Development (CIDESD).
Her research activity is mainly focused in exercise testing and prescription, and acute and chronic effects of exercise, having produced several publications in peer-review journals. She is a researcher of several funded projects, and coordinator of “Passus Saudáveis na Doença Arterial Periférica” since 2015. This research is frequently presented in International Congresses.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7174-2288
Ciência ID: 8517-E8B2-8FD6