| Awards |
The doctoral thesis entitled ‘Bullying in the sports context in the region of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro’, by Philippe Marracho, supervised by Professor Eduarda Coelho and Miguel Nery, researchers at CIDESD | Centre for Research in Sport, Health and Human Development, was awarded in the 10th edition of the PNED Prize for Research into ‘Ethics in Sport’, 2022.
The PNED Award for Research into Ethics in Sport is instituted by the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, I.P. – through the National Plan for Ethics in Sport – in partnership with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities, the Coordinating Council of Higher Polytechnic Institutes, the Academic Federation of University Sport and the Portuguese Society of Physical Education.
Honourable mention from the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP), for the COP/REPSOL Sports Sciences competition, for the work entitled: ‘Set to fail: affective dynamics in a resistance training program designed to reach muscle concentric failure’ by the following authors: Vasco Bastos, Ana Jesus Andrade, Filipe Rodrigues, Diogo Monteiro, Luís Cid, Diogo Santos Teixeira. The prize-giving ceremony took place on 26 October 2023 at 2pm at the Ajuda National Palace in Lisbon.
António Paula Brito Research Prize awarded by the Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology (SPPD) held at the University of Madeira on 14, 15 and 16 September 2023 with the work entitled: ‘Effects of 24-week exercise program on functional capacity, dementia, and quality of life in individuals with Intellectual and Development Disabilities’ by the following authors: Miguel Jacinto, Diogo Monteiro, Raúl Antunes, Maria João Campos, Rui Matos and José Pedro Ferreira. The award ceremony took place at the Rectory of the University of Madeira on 15 September 2023 at 6.20 p.m.
Winner of the R&D – 2023 Award (1st place) from the Polytechnic of Leiria in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities. The award ceremony took place on 08/11/2023 at 1.30pm at the José Lúcio da Silva Theatre in Leiria.
Winner of the I&D Award – 2022 (1st place) + International Scientific Publication of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, for scientific publication of international relevance in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities. The prize was awarded on 21/11/2022 as part of the Solemn Opening Ceremony of the academic year of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, which took place at the José Lúcio da Silva Theatre in Leiria.
António Paula Brito Research Prize awarded by the Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology (SPPD) held at the Polytechnic Institute of Maia with the work entitled: ‘Understanding the associations across fibromyalgia-related fatigue, depression, anxiety, self-esteem satisfaction with life and physical activity in Portuguese and Brazilian patients: a structural equation modelling analysis’ which took place on 2 and 5 November 2022.
Physical Exercise for Toddlers and Infants in Family”, during the year of 2020.
Honor of the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports in relation to Top Cited Paper 2020-2021 with the article entitled: The bright and dark sides of motivation aspredictors of enjoyment, intention, andexercise persistence, attributed by Editora Wiley.
Winner of the Olympic Committee of Portugal (COP) Award for the 6th edition of the COP/Millenium BCP Foundation Sports Sciences competition, in the ECONOMY, LAW AND MANAGEMENT OF SPORT category, for his work entitled: The behaviours of exercise technicians as promoters of the economic sustainability of fitness operators. The awards ceremony took place on 24/02/2022 at the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra (FCDEF-UC).
Winner of the Olympic Committee of Portugal (COP) Award for the 6th edition of the COP/Millenium BCP Foundation Sports Sciences competition, in the HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT category, for his work entitled: Athletic development model and implications for the longevity of Portuguese football players’ careers. The awards ceremony took place on 24/02/2022 at the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra (FCDEF-UC).
Honourable mention from the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP), for the 6th edition of the COP/Fundação Millenium BCP Sports Sciences competition, for the work entitled: Abandonment of the sporting career of Portuguese elite footballers: A longitudinal retrospective analysis. The awards ceremony took place on 24/02/2022 at the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra (FCDEF-UC).
António Paula Brito Research Prize awarded by the Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology (SPPD) as part of the XXII Conference of the Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology, held at the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic of Leiria, for the work entitled: ‘Until Failure: Variations in Affective Valence in Resistance Training Prescribed to Achieve Muscular Failure’, which took place on 4 and 6 November 2021.
Honorable Mention to Luís Paulo Rodrigues, Pedro Bezerra and Vítor Pires Lopes for its Outstanding R&D Project “TECH”
Technology, Environment, Creativity and Health”, during the year of 2020.
Honorable Mention to Maria João Vaz da Cruz Lagoa for its Outstanding R&D Program “PETIZ”
Physical Exercise for Toddlers and Infants in Family”, during the year of 2020.
Honorable Mention to Filipe Fernandes Rodrigues for its excellent Ph.D. thesis entitled “The Bright and Dark side of motivation in exercise: promoting persistence and adherence” during the year of 2020.
Honorable Mention to Carlos Manuel Pereira Carvalho for its excellent publication entitled “The Pediatric Inactivity Triad: A Triple Jeopardy For Modern Day Youth”, on “ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal”, during the year of 2020.
1st Prize of the 8th edition of the FPDD Scientific Magazine ‘Knowing More to Include Better’ awarded by the Portuguese Federation of Sport for People with Disabilities (FPDD) within the 5th FPDD Seminar on the theme ‘Knowing More to Include Better’, on 03/12/2020, to the work entitled: Impact of passion on the regulation of motivation and subjective well-being, by the authors: Anabela Vitorino, Luis Cid, Teresa Bento, Diogo S. Teixeira and Diogo Monteiro.
Prémio de Investigação António Paula Brito atribuído pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto (SPPD) no âmbito das XXI Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto, realizadas em formato online a partir da Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de Coimbra, com o trabalho intitulado: “A relação instrutor-praticante nas necessidades psicológicas básicas do praticante” que decorreu nos dias 6 e 7 de Novembro de 2020.
Menção honrosa do Comité Olímpico de Portugal (COP), referente à V edição do concurso COP/Fundação Millenium BCP, Ciências do Desporto, com o trabalho intitulado: Diz-me o que fizeste no passado e dir-te-ei o que farás: Análise longitudinal da prática de exercício físico em ginásios e health clubs. A entrega dos prémios decorreu no dia 13/10/2020 no Salão nobre da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa (FMH -ULisboa)
“Desporto, a centelha do pensamento e comportamento criativo”, da autoria dos investigadores Sara Santos, Diogo Coutinho, Nuno Leite e Jaime Sampaio, foi o projecto vencedor da categoria de “Psicologia e Pedagogia do Desporto” na 5ª edição dos Prémios Ciências do Desporto. Ainda nesta categoria, o projecto “Diz-me o que fizeste e dir-te-ei o que farás: análise longitudinal da prática de exercício físico em ginásios e health clubs”, dos investigadores Filipe Fernandes Rodrigues, Henrique Pereira Neiva, Luís Cid e Diogo Monteiro, arrecadou uma menção honrosa.
Já na categoria “Medicina do Desporto”, a investigação sobre a “Aplicabilidade e segurança de um programa de walking football para indivíduos com diabetes tipo 2″, na qual participa o investigador Pedro Figueiredo, foi distinguida com uma menção honrosa.
Atribuídos pelo Comité Olímpico de Portugal (COP) e pela Fundação Millennium BCP, os Prémios Ciências do Desporto têm como principal objectivo incentivar a investigação científica sobre as potenciais melhorias da actividade desportiva. Ao primeiro classificado de cada área (“Treino Desportivo”, “Psicologia e Pedagogia do Desporto” e “Medicina do Desporto”) é atribuído um valor monetário de cinco mil euros, e cada uma das menções honrosas recebe mil euros, como incentivo à continuidade do trabalho de investigação.
Já na última edição dos Prémios Ciências do Desporto, uma investigação do CIDESD foi a grande vencedora na categoria “Economia, Direito e Gestão do Desporto”.
Os investigadores Filipe Rodrigues, Henrique Neiva, Luís Cid e Diogo Monteiro foram distinguidos nos “Prémios Ciências do Desporto 2019”, cuja cerimónia da primeira entrega dos diplomas decorreu ontem, dia 14, em Lisboa.
«Estamos agradecidos ao Comité Olímpico de Portugal por ter seleccionado o nosso trabalho como merecedor de uma menção honrosa na categoria “Psicologia e Pedagogia do Desporto”, incentivando-nos a continuar a investigar nesta área que é a análise comportamental e motivacional para a prática de exercício físico», reagiram os autores do trabalho “Diz-me o que fizeste e dir-te-ei o que farás: análise longitudinal da prática de exercício físico em ginásios e health clubs”.
Na sessão de abertura, o presidente do Comité Olímpico de Portugal (COP), José Manuel Constantino, sublinhou a importância dos “Prémios Ciências do Desporto” e desejou que o exemplo dos participantes da edição de 2019 «possa ser inspirador para os seus colegas produzirem trabalhos de investigação em anos subsequentes».
Face aos contrangimentos provoados pelo contexto pandémico, o COP e a Fundação Millennium bcp optaram por realizar duas cerimónias de entrega, em função das áreas geográficas, tendo sido a sessão desta terça-feira destinada aos laureados de Évora, Lisboa e Rio Maior. A próxima entrega decorrerá na cidade do Porto, em data ainda a confirmar.
«Nestes momentos de pandemia, é preciso mantermo-nos firmes, em forma, por isso, a contribuição que possam dar, através dos vossos trabalhos, é essencial», frisou o presidente da Fundação Millennium bcp, António Monteiro.
A iniciativa do COP e da Fundação Millennium BCP vai na quinta edição consecutiva e, em 2019, recebeu 61 trabalhos.
Honorable Mention to Instituto universitário da Maia (ISMAI) for its commitment with the mission and goals of this research center, organizing the CIDESD International Congress during the year of 2019.
Honorable Mention to PAC “Behavioral Determinants in Sport, Exercise and Healthy Lifestyle” for its commitment with the mission and goals of this research center, producing high-level science during the year of 2019.
Honorable Mention to Alberto Alves for its commitment with the mission and goals of this research center, fostering collective research programs and activities under the topic of Oncological Diseases during the year of 2019.
Honorable Mention to Catarina Abrantes for its commitment with the mission and goals of this research center, fostering collective research programs and activities under the topic of Peripheral Arterial Disease during the year of 2019.
Honorable Mention to Diogo Coutinho for its excellent for Ph.D. thesis entitled: “Training environments and performance of youth football players” during the year of 2019.
COP/Fundação Millenium BCP Award, for the 4th edition of the COP/Fundação Millenium BCP Sports Sciences competition, with a paper entitled: Adherence to Practice and Customer Retention in Gyms: Predictive Factors of Behaviour Maintenance Over Time. The awards ceremony took place on 20/02/2020 at the Belém Cultural Centre.
Honorable Mention to Pedro Forte for its excellent Ph.D. thesis entitled «The assessment of a world-ranked wheelchair sprinter aerodynamics analysis by computer fluid dynamics»
Honorable Mention to Sara Santos for achieving high-level standards as a young researcher
Honorable Mention to Patrícia Posse for the excellent work supporting CIDESD and communicating science
Honorable Mention to Bruno Gonçalves for its excellent Ph.D. thesis entitled «Collective movement behaviour in association football»
Honorable Mention to Diogo Monteiro for its excellent Ph.D. thesis entitled «Motivação, Persistência e Abandono em Atletas Portugueses de Natação»
Honourable mention from the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP), for the 3rd edition of the COP/Millenium BCP Foundation Sports Sciences competition, for the work entitled: Abandonment in Portuguese Swimming Athletes. Differences between genders and competitive levels and impact on intentions to return to practice. The awards ceremony took place on 03/02/2017 in the Great Hall of the Rectory of the University of Porto.
Honorable Mention to Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro for hosting project NanoStima and project Deus Ex-Machina, an excellent support for CIDESD vision and mission.
Honorable Mention to Jorge Morais by achieving a high-level standard in his Ph.D. thesis entitled «Longitudinal modeling of young swimmers’ performance and biomechanics: identification, development and follow-up»
Honorable Mention to Lara Carneiro for achieving high-level standards as young researcher scope of CIDESD – GERON – Research Community.
Honorable Mention to Instituto Politécnico da Guarda for its commitment with the mission and goals of CIDESD
Honorable Mention to ISMAI – Instituto Universitário da Maia for its commitment with the mission and goals of CIDESD
Honorable Mention to International Symposium on Strength & Conditioning for its scientific relevance across five editions and commitment with the mission and goals of CIDESD
Honorable Mention to Henrique Neiva for its excellent publication entitled «The effect of warm-up on swimming performance: the impact of volume, intensity and post warm-up recovery in elite swimmers»
Honorable Mention to Jorge Soares for its excellent Ph.D. thesis entitled «Study of the preventive role of physical exercise on mutagenesis. DNA damage and repair mechanisms in human lymphocytes: effects of physical exercise training»
Honorable Mention to Romeu Mendes, Nelson Sousa e Victor Reis for its excellent publication entitled «Exercise prescription for patients with type 2 diabetes—a synthesis of international recommendations: narrative review»
Award for best oral communication in the area of sports training at the XXXVII APTN Scientific Technical Congress (Anadia – Sangalhos Velodrome, April 2015), with the work entitled: Dropout and Persistence in Pure Swimming between 2009 and 2015: A descriptive analysis. (Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid, António Moreira and Daniel Marinho)