| António José Silva |

antónio silva
Institution: UTAD
Community: ELITE
Research: Integrated
Full Professor at the Sport Sciences, Exercise and Health Department in UTAD. Graduated from UTAD in 1993; Post-Graduate at FADEUP in 1995; European Master in High Performance Sports Training at FMH-UTL in 1997; Doctorate at UTAD in 2001, with a double degree from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation (2013-2016) and Pro-Rector for Development and Internationalization at UTAD (2007-2013); Director of the Research Centre in Sports, Health sciences and Human Development at UTAD (CIDESD, 2007-2013).Advised over 134 theses: 70 Graduate theses, 38 Master theses and 26 Doctorate theses, and has produced over 300 academic titles: 50 books and book chapters; 132 articles published in Science Citation Index Journals; 99 articles in Peer-reviewed Indexed International Journals; and 45 articles in Peer-reviewed Indexed National Journals.President of the Swimming Portuguese Coach Association (2005-2009); President of the Swimming Specialist Portuguese Association General Assembly (2008-2012); and is President of the Portuguese Swimming Federation since 2013. Member of the national education and sports council.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5790-5116
Ciência ID: 8C15-83CB-5566