| Ana Nogueira|

Ana Nogueira
Institution: UMaia
Community: HEART
Research: Collaborator/PhD Student
Ana Nogueira in 2018 started the Degree in Physical Education and Sports at University of Maia until 2020. In 2022 I completed my master’s degree in physical education and Sports Sciences – Specialization in Physical Exercise and Health and then I started my PhD in Sport Sciences.
Since 2021 as a visiting assistant professor in University of Maia, unit curricular of Gymnastics. Since my degree I take part of the “Gym4PETIZ” and “Family in Move” programs that allowed me to start my scientific journey with some works and presentations in national and international congresses and publication of peer-reviewed work.
While attending my Master’s degree I started giving some physical education classes to elementary school students and win with an FCT Research Initiation Scholarship under the “Skills4Genius” program developed in the Research Center for Sport, Health and Human Development (CIDESD) (BII/UTAD/19/2021).
I’m a coach level II in Trampoline Gymnastics and national judge of this sport.”
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-2314-924X
Ciência ID: 0711-8B17-8B86